Friday, May 4, 2012

Day 27: American Embassy Part 1

Dearest Alex,
Another great day. We were up bright and early. You looked so tired this morning.  G3 asked you if you slept and you said, “No, I was too busy playing games.” We are going to have to address the sleeping issues when you get home! I don’t really care too much but I will draw the line at midnightish. And while I don’t want you up early - I am not even functional before 9 am - I would like you up by about 10ish or so to be able to get some work done. But these are issues that will have to be ironed out later.
We made it to the airport and onto the plane. Poor G3 was so tired he immediately sacked out, Amanda was reading a book, and you were listening to music, so I just snuggled up and put my head on your shoulder and slept for a while too. Hope you didn’t mind but I was just so tired.
Once we got to Kiev, our old driver, Sergei, met us and took us right to the American Embassy. Apparently we are a family of firsts. Sasha told us that the embassy had just moved and that we would be the first family to have an adoption processed there. When we pulled up, it was another humbling experience. We saw a huge line of people (over 100) waiting outside the embassy. Our driver parked and walked up with us and said something to the guard that sounded like, “Americanski” and we were ushered right in. It was so sad to see all these people who were dreaming of coming to America and here just by winning the ovarian lottery, we were just waltzing right in. We had to go through security and then walked over to the visa and immigration area. We were struck by the number of people that were waiting to be helped and again were ushered to the head of the line. We had tried to fill out some of the paperwork ahead of time, but it was impossible without help, so most of it was blank. We have heard stories in the past about people having bad times at the embassy, and even Sasha told us to  be aware and fill out the forms completely because they did not like to be held up, etc. I was worried going in there but it turned out that they could not have been any nicer. When I pointed out the blank spots on the form, the gentleman behind the counter just smiled and said, “That’s ok, that is why we are here, to help you.” And this pretty much was the attitude of every staff member we met. They were so nice and helpful, explaining things to you in Russian as well as to us in English, and congratulating us on you joining our family. It was not a quick experience though - we were there about an hour and were ready to die of hunger. Where was my emergency candy bar? Eaten the day before and not replaced I tell you! But overall very painless and easy.
So we had Sergei take us to a restaurant before we all fainted with hunger. We had been to a nice restaurant near the apartment in Kiev before called Mafia (I know - funny huh?) so we went back there and stuffed ourselves. I know you were getting really hungry but after a two pepsis and a smoothie and a huge pizza, I think we fixed your hunger.
We had to get a few food items so then we had Sergei take us to a supermarket. Poor Sergei, we kept trying to get him to come with us, we offered him lunch, but he just sat in the car and waited for us the whole time. As we were in the market, waiting to get some cheese sliced, I had another hankie moment. You looked at me and said, “Mom, I love you. You love me?” I melted and replied, “Of course I love you.” But I know that did not even begin to convey the depth of feelings I have for you. I know you need a lot of affirmation of our love for you, and don’t worry, we will never tire of giving them to you, but you don’t have to worry. You are ours forever!
After we left the market, it was to the apartment in Kiev. We have so many suitcases now with your two added that I am surprised there was even any room to fit us in! Since we were all so tired, G3 took a nap, I worked a little on my writing and you and Amanda sacked out on the couch playing on iPads. It was so cute, you all look like twins. I wanted to engage you, but I also want to be cognizant of the issue that you might find all of us overwhelming, so right now, I will not pester you. I will pick my moments!
A note about the weather is in order here. When we first landed, it was coats all the time. Not heavy coats, be we definitely needed another layer. Now it is so hot, you just want to peel your skin off. And there is no AC in the apartment here. There are fans, but somehow Ukraine skipped spring and went right to summer. I have noticed there are two kinds of clothes here - bundled up maximally and very skimpy - nothing in between.
I also have to tell you a funny story about G3. If I put this in before, I am sorry, I am just repeating myself, but I am too lazy to go back through and read every letter I have written to find out. It is just easier to tell it again. G3 is very frugal - to the core. He will spend money on things that are justified, but he hates service fees, transaction fees, etc. He views those as a waste of money. So, knowing that if we used our regular credit cards there would be a fee - he investigated credit cards without fees. He found an American express card that had no foreign transaction fees, entrance to all the sky clubs at airports and multiple other benefits. So he paid the annual fee for the card (no small fee I might add) and off we went. The first thing we discovered was that while it promised entrance into sky clubs, you had to send in a form and wait 2-3 weeks for it to be processed and another card sent to you. So that didn’t work out.
That was ok with him as he decided the lack of foreign transaction fees would still pay for the card several times over. Then we get here and he is trying to use that card everywhere and no can do. Nobody takes it. Sasha was laughing at him saying, “Give it up man.” But if you all know my husband, you know he is determined. He kept trying and finally, found one restaurant in Mariupol that took it. We went there once and it was a stinky restaurant but he was pacified that he got to use his Amex card. Then he found he could make all the airline reservations online using it so that made him happy. So today was his final triumph. We were at the embassy and after we filled out the forms, we were told that everyone else had to sit down and one person should go over to the cashier’s window and pay. So Alex, Amanda, and I sat down while G3 saunters over to the cashiers window. It was then that I had a flash of oh no! I had left my purse in the car because there are no cell phones, electronics, or basically anything allowed in the embassy, so it just seemed easier to carry our passports in my hand and leave the purse in the car. I realized that as G3 walked over to the window that all of the nice crisp bills we had set aside in American dollars were safely in the car and not in the building to pay the fee. I rushed over to G3 and he said in his typical laid back way, “Don’t worry, I bet they take credit cards.” Of course I had little belief that this was the case and sat back down thinking that all of a sudden an official was going to come out of the back office and take you by the arm and march you off saying, “If your parents can’t pay, you can’t stay.”
In an interesting aside here, I have to note that you might have been worried that this is not forever and we might change our minds, I have become more and more paranoid that someone will take you away from me! Interesting how this is working.
Anyway, back to the story. As I am watching G3, all of a sudden he starts strutting around and looking like a very satisfied cat that ate a canary. When he arrives back to us, he smugly says, “They took American Express.” Oh boy, he is going to be impossible to live with after this! Then to further add to his joy - the whole thing is going to cost only $230. We have to pay for the medical of course, but the embassy fees for the immigration visa are much lower than anticipated.
Sorry to digress from the day with this story, but I thought it was funny. We came back to the apartment and A1 showed up to spend the afternoon with us. If there is any sibling rivalry going on it will be between you two I think. But at least you finally got to meet him in person and it does help to have a translator around. I know you are kind of bored listening to us in English visit with him, but we haven’t seen him much in the past 2 years and it is so great to catch up with him. And I hate to see you struggle, but I think the best way to win the English language battle is to jump in feet first and immerse you as much as possible.
Anyway, I have gone on far too long here. I just want you to know that in every   way our love for you grows and grows. You are a great kid and we consider ourselves very lucky!
Bethany, G3, G4, & Amanda

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