Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Nothing Like a Mopey Teenager

Today Alex had a mopey session. We had a great morning, he cooked a wonderful breakfast, had some great school work, but then got really quiet. He retreated to his room, listened to music, and punched on his boxing target for a while. I don't know exactly what triggered it, but we just let him go. I figured something had triggered a bout of homesickness that he needed to work out, but for the life of me, I can't think of what.

I wanted to help him, but I gave up and I went to get a haircut - haven't been to a salon in far too long (2 years I think) and got 11 inches chopped off. It was nice mommy time! Thank goodness, a neighbor that Alex really likes came over and asked him to go bike riding (of course it is a girl). He was snapped out of his mopeyness right away and perked up. Unfortunately, I had to cut his fun short as Amanda had to go to Tae Kwon Do and he and I had some errands to run while she was at the studio. After we ran errands, I took him by a Starbucks and introduced him to my favorite coffee, white chocolate mocha latte - soy, decaf, no whip - of course I got him whip! He liked it - let's just chalk up another win in my favorite child column! (Okay - that isn't fair - all my children love it - makes me a happy mommy to be able to share this most favored treat together - now how to get my hubby with the program? He hates coffee.)

After we came home, I cooked dinner and we all sat down to a family dinner. Poor Alex sat there like he was at his own execution! His mopeyness had returned! Ack!!! He wouldn't eat dinner and just sat there very quiet and downcast. Finally we took pity on him and released him from jail and let him go. He did volunteer to clean up though. Then G3 had a great idea and got all the kids and himself playing poker. This really perked Alex up - lots of smiles. He was back to his joking self. And just like the 'bad boy' that I know he is - he of course knew how to play - quite well and cleaned up. After winning all the money at the table and looking like a satisfied cheshire cat, he and G3 played more zombie shoot 'em up video games. These are not our favorite games but we figure that if they can bond over these, then we can gradually switch them out for better ones rated E. Ha, Ha.

So alls well that ends well. I felt a little helpless when he was mopey this afternoon, but I just knocked on his door and when he let me in, told him that I knew something wasn't right. He tried to bluff that he was ok - but I called him on it - and that roused a smile as he knows I know him. He wouldn't tell me what was wrong, so I just hugged him and held him and told him I loved him. I told him that nothing would change how much I loved him and he told he that he loved me. I just held him and squeezed him until he started squirming. I know that I can't totally fix all his homesickness, but I hope that letting him know that I am sharing his hurt and that I love him will make him feel a little better. I know that this is all a process of adjustment for everyone and there will be ups and downs. I love the ups and hate the downs. In fact wish we were just on an uphill course! But the best we can do is just show him love and support on the downhill tumbles. More tomorrow........

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