Monday, June 25, 2012

Things look up

We are all exhausted! We got in at 3:00 am. We spent some time ogling the stars in the Nevada desert at a rest area and it made us late, but we couldn't help it, they were so beautiful away from the city lights. G4 was a trooper and drove the last 2 hours for us - G4 and I are not as young as we used to be and 12 hours of driving gets old!

Today, we ended up by sleeping in a little more than we expected. G4's office sent out a notice that their air conditioning was broken so he decided to work from home. I decided to just leave the dogs at their 'pet resort' since we are just turning around and leaving in 3 days, and Amanda's private lesson at 8 am was canceled. Thank goodness! We felt a little more human after sleeping in to 9:00 am, but are still pretty tired.

Alex has been in a great mood today. He was a little miffed early on because he wanted his friend Sergei to come over. But before we left on the trip , he was punished for being 40 minutes late with Sergei on their last outing. We told him that as punishment, he would have to miss seeing his friend while we were home for these few days. He must have been suffering from convenient memory loss because he acted like he had never been told. He was trying to tell me that he lost track of time and that he could not teleport from one place to another! He actually used the word teleport! I was pretty impressed until I realized that he had probably just picked it up from TV or a movie. Then he tried to tell me that Sergei's mom, Becky, had said yes to them getting together. Smart thing I double checked that one - because that was a whopper of a mistruth. Then he started with the, "You no love me," and I exploded. I know the difference between manipulation and reassurance and this was manipulation. I tried to talk to him but he was playing on the computer so I took it away. Then the phone rang and it was Sergei. I told him that I was waiting to talk so he said goodbye to Sergei. I started to talk and then heard some noise and realized that he had not hung up but had just put the phone down and was waiting for me to finish like I was some kind of nuisance in his life. Well, I flipped out! I started crying and stalked out of the room.

I think I scared Alex because about 5 minutes later, he came and found me in my bedroom, crying as I was unpacking suitcases. Chalk it up to hormones, tiredness, etc. but I was stressed out. He pulled me close, dried my tears, and hugged me tight. He kept saying over and over, "I love you mom. You no cry." I calmed down and said ok, but he stuck to me like glue for about an hour, helping me unpack and put things away (ok more like watching me and messing things up - but he did help a little). Then later, he tapped his head and said, "I smart. You cry, you no love me. You no cry, you love me." I started laughing and said, "That won't work, I cry all the time." and he just answered, "Women!"

I had to take Amanda to TKD for training and when I got home, found the boys all agog at a present G3 had bought for Alex. He had bought him an air pistol or something like that. Maybe BB gun? There was also a paint ball gun too. (I think) I don't know as I abhor all kinds of guns, play or otherwise. But it must be something good as they were all exclaiming over it and he was stroking it like it was a baby or something.

Then he convinced me to go out to the hillside with him and shoot it. I didn't want to, but I got the please, mom, please. So I went out. There is an abandoned building near our house where someone has spray painted an outline of a person on it. He took aim and was so excited to hit the head. Then he insisted that I do it - proud to say I got a perfect head shot. I think it surprised him, he said, "Wow, mom." I told him that just because I didn't approve, didn't mean I wasn't capable! But I made sure that G3 gave him the talk of no aiming or shooting at any animals or property. The guns will disappear if I see that!

Anyway, all in all, I was pleased that he seemed to take the discipline well, and that he didn't get overly upset with me getting upset. He was concerned about me, but he also seemed more secure in his responses this time. We are definitely making progress!

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